Passing, Posing, Persuasion:
Cultural Production and Coloniality
in Modern Japan
March 1-2, 2019@UBC
This two-day international conference will bring scholars from East Asia and North America together to interrogate various intersections of cultural production (including literature, film, popular magazines, manga, and more) in imperial Japan through the lens of racial, ethnic, and linguistic passing. As indicated in our conference title, we are particularly interested in considering how propagandists attempted to “persuade” colonized subjects to identify with their Japanese colonizers while simultaneously subjugating them as colonial subjects, thus marking any attempts to self-identify as Japanese as a form of ontological “passing” or fraudulent “posing.”




Center for Korean Studies
University of Hawai'i at Manoa

University of British Columbia

The Department of Asian Studies
The Department of Art
History, Visual Art & Theory
Centre for Japanese Research
Centre for Korean Research
Centre for Chinese Research
Faculty of Arts
International Relations Program